Friday, November 26, 2010

#9 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

I actually finished this book a few days ago but due to the holiday it took me a while to get to this. That said, this book was AMAZING. It built up the story in so many ways that you are torn back and forth into believing one thing then another then back to the original thought then another then back again. And the last few chapters were just a flurry of action that allowed you to just fly through the pages. And if you've read the book then you know the crap that hits the fan and if you haven't then just stop reading here because I will spoil it.

This book just had me flip flopping back and forth to thinking which side Snape was really on. One moment Harry would have you sure he was evil, then Dumbledore would say no which you had to trust. Which makes the end with Snape killing Dumbledore bothersome. Was the whole situation all a matter of Harry being right and Dumbledore being wrong? Because that just seems unbelievable. Or is it a matter of finding out soon that it was all part of the plan and Dumbledore told Snape to kill him for the overall good. I don't know, you may but I do not and that is something I am very interested in getting to with this last book.

But other than that I love how there were a LOT of recurring characters and I love the memory flashbacks that start to piece together the whole story and I love the sexual tension that is building between the 3 and Ginny and then I love how the book ends off like Empire Strikes Back did. The plan for the final chapter is set and now it is just time to wrap up all the loose ends and finish this journey.

So here we are. I have really enjoyed these books but I am ready to finish them. It has gotten to the point where I have almost forgotten this whole blog thing isn't just me reading the Harry Potter books. I have more stories to touch upon. I plan on seeing the 7th movie on Wednesday afternoon so hopefully I will have the book done by then.

#10 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling

Thursday, November 18, 2010

#8 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

This book was the longest of the series and I hate to say that it read that way. It had a purpose and fulfilled that purpose. There wasn't much action until you hit the last four chapters and then the action just takes off. The book moved along the entire story of the series very well and it needed to happen so I'm not too angry. I'm now just more excited to move onto the final chapters of this tale.

The main gripe I had with this book was Harry's attitude sometimes. I know he's 15 so may be going through puberty and maybe a little moody but he was getting annoying with how he acts. He had a short temper with people when he thought he was being left out because he was too young. You think after all the things he has gone through he would have learned some patience and trust for people around him like Dumbledore because they have never steered him wrong before. But he still got angry and it was a bit of an overreaction to me.

Another problem I had is [SPOILER ALERT] how he dealt with Sirius' death and how he dealt with Sirius in general. He has only known of him for 2 1/2 years and probably spent a total of 7 days with him but he seemed to care more about him than people he has known for years. Now I'm not an orphan and never met a long lost godfather but I thought it was odd back in the 3rd book with how quickly he went from HATING Sirius to loving him more than anything. And then he died here and Harry was ready to turn on Dumbledore because of him. Like I said, it may be the situation he's in but it seems odd.

That Professor Umbridge was also quite a trip that I was hoping they would have just killed off but I guess it's still classified as a children's book. Cho Chang also has a flare for the dramatic but that's a teenage girl for you. Overall the book was my least favorite of the series so far but being the 5th book of 7 (like being the middle movie in a trilogy) sometimes it's just more important to set up the last legs. I'm excited and hopefully can have them all done by Thanksgiving weekend so I can then check out the new movie.

NEXT UP: #9 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

#7 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Well I will tell you I have never read 734 pages that fast in my life. A combination of how good the book was, the fact I had three days off of work and my determination to finish these books as quick as possible helped me finish it in 3 days. Yay for me.

Of the first four books I will put this one as my second favorite behind Prisoner of Azkaban. This one was really great because(as my friend Sarah Segerson would put it) it was really 'sporty' and they were 'so outdoorsy'. The Triwizard Tournament added a lot of new aspects to the boring formula I commented on in the last post. Hopefully the childish mischief is behind me and the books can really play with the structure.

Now there were two things that really bothered me about this great book. 1) Why are there two major characters in consecutive books named 'Moody'? First, it was the nickname of Professor Lupin, the werewolf, and now in this one 'Mad Eye' Moody. At first made me believe they were the same person or related...I don't know, just seemed odd. [SPOILER ALERT] And then 2) The ending was a bit too 'Scooby Doo' for me. They caught Church's son as he was diguised as Moody and essentially pulled his mask off and then recapped how he did it all. All I was waiting for was him to say, 'And I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling kids and that blasted dog!'

That said, I loved the book and will be starting the fifth book as soon as I can tomorrow. And if you are reading this, you have probably read the books before so you know what is coming but I am really excited [SPOILER ALERT] for the rebirth of Lord Voldemort as I see this central storyline solidifying the next 3 books and will really allow for them to get more unpredictable and suspenseful. Well now I'm more than half way so here's to a strong finish that I am excited to get started.

#8 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling

Sunday, November 7, 2010

#6 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

And now the story gets a bit more interesting...I liked this book a lot more than the first two. Gone from it were the simple and silly misjudgments by a young kid repeatedly getting in trouble and finding his way out due to his name. This book (kudos to Stefanie Mills for lending me the book) had a lot less of that and much more suspense. I felt like the story was much better written to build to the climax of the story than the first two.

Like the other books, almost everything that is introduced to you is important in some way or other. The prisoner escaping, Hermione's new cat, Scabbers' odd behavior, the Divination class predictions, the hippogriff, Hermione's insane schedule...and so on. Everything came together as a vital part of the story. It is a very well written series and this one just had me sitting on the edge waiting for the payoff because you just knew it was coming.

Now I usually have something wrong with the books but this one didn't bother me too much. The formula of the whole year being turmoil and then everything is solved in the school year's final week is a, weak, but how else are you going to do it, right? Can't have the climax at Christmas and then have the last four chapters tell you how easy the rest of the year went. So I won't hold that against my girl J.K..

Like I said, I liked this book more than the first two so hopefully that is a good sign for the books to come. Now the books start to get JUMBO sized so I may not have another post until next weekend and it's looking harder and harder to finish these in the next 12 days but I'm going to push forward.

P.S.- Have been watching the movies as I finish the books and grown up Emma Watson is enough reason for me to finish this series to get to the 7th movie.

NEXT UP: #7 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

#5 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Well this one sure doesn't disappoint. This second book (props given to Cali O'Rourke for letting me borrow the book) was just as engaging and hard to put down as the first. I seriously read it whenever I had a chance and when I wasn't I was thinking about getting back to it. I remember when these books came out, people were complaining because they thought their kids would get tainted by reading about "wizards" and 'magic". Hey, the kids were reading and having fun. Unfortunately that is overlooked sometimes in this country.

Anyways, this book welcomed back the same cast of characters plus some new ones like the annoying Gilderoy Lockhart, we got to know a bit more of Lucious Malfoy and Ron's little sister Ginny played a much bigger role. The story was another fun adventure of new spells and potions helping Harry and Co. stay out of trouble as they keep putting themselves in it. The final battle was more detailed than the first book which made it feel more complete.

The only things that bothered me was basically the first chapter where they had to basically keep recapping the first book for new readers. Why would anybody read the second book before the first book? I know they have to do the recap but let's just assume people read them in order. That and while the final battle was more complete, it seemed very convenient that the Phoenix showed up with the Sorting Hat when there wasn't ever really given a reason why it showed up or why he got a sword from the hat when we never once knew that ability was possible. Now I know it is all magic but it should have some back story to avoid just sounding lazy I guess.

Well, the book was still fantastic and anybody that really makes fun if this series or mocks its fans just haven't given it a chance. It may surprise them. Anyways, the 7th movie comes out in 16 days and I have five more books to read so I gotta get on them and they aren't getting any shorter. Hopefully I will have the next blog post up by the end of the week.

NEXT UP: #6 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling