Thursday, November 18, 2010

#8 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

This book was the longest of the series and I hate to say that it read that way. It had a purpose and fulfilled that purpose. There wasn't much action until you hit the last four chapters and then the action just takes off. The book moved along the entire story of the series very well and it needed to happen so I'm not too angry. I'm now just more excited to move onto the final chapters of this tale.

The main gripe I had with this book was Harry's attitude sometimes. I know he's 15 so may be going through puberty and maybe a little moody but he was getting annoying with how he acts. He had a short temper with people when he thought he was being left out because he was too young. You think after all the things he has gone through he would have learned some patience and trust for people around him like Dumbledore because they have never steered him wrong before. But he still got angry and it was a bit of an overreaction to me.

Another problem I had is [SPOILER ALERT] how he dealt with Sirius' death and how he dealt with Sirius in general. He has only known of him for 2 1/2 years and probably spent a total of 7 days with him but he seemed to care more about him than people he has known for years. Now I'm not an orphan and never met a long lost godfather but I thought it was odd back in the 3rd book with how quickly he went from HATING Sirius to loving him more than anything. And then he died here and Harry was ready to turn on Dumbledore because of him. Like I said, it may be the situation he's in but it seems odd.

That Professor Umbridge was also quite a trip that I was hoping they would have just killed off but I guess it's still classified as a children's book. Cho Chang also has a flare for the dramatic but that's a teenage girl for you. Overall the book was my least favorite of the series so far but being the 5th book of 7 (like being the middle movie in a trilogy) sometimes it's just more important to set up the last legs. I'm excited and hopefully can have them all done by Thanksgiving weekend so I can then check out the new movie.

NEXT UP: #9 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling

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