Sunday, November 7, 2010

#6 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

And now the story gets a bit more interesting...I liked this book a lot more than the first two. Gone from it were the simple and silly misjudgments by a young kid repeatedly getting in trouble and finding his way out due to his name. This book (kudos to Stefanie Mills for lending me the book) had a lot less of that and much more suspense. I felt like the story was much better written to build to the climax of the story than the first two.

Like the other books, almost everything that is introduced to you is important in some way or other. The prisoner escaping, Hermione's new cat, Scabbers' odd behavior, the Divination class predictions, the hippogriff, Hermione's insane schedule...and so on. Everything came together as a vital part of the story. It is a very well written series and this one just had me sitting on the edge waiting for the payoff because you just knew it was coming.

Now I usually have something wrong with the books but this one didn't bother me too much. The formula of the whole year being turmoil and then everything is solved in the school year's final week is a, weak, but how else are you going to do it, right? Can't have the climax at Christmas and then have the last four chapters tell you how easy the rest of the year went. So I won't hold that against my girl J.K..

Like I said, I liked this book more than the first two so hopefully that is a good sign for the books to come. Now the books start to get JUMBO sized so I may not have another post until next weekend and it's looking harder and harder to finish these in the next 12 days but I'm going to push forward.

P.S.- Have been watching the movies as I finish the books and grown up Emma Watson is enough reason for me to finish this series to get to the 7th movie.

NEXT UP: #7 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

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