Saturday, October 30, 2010

#4 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

There is a reason these books are so damn popular. I hated putting this down. When I did I just kept thinking about getting back to it. I even finished the book by reading the last chapter during commercial breaks in the Michigan game. There's a reason J.K. Rowling is worth more than The Queen nowadays.

The great thing about this book is that you are introduced to so many different characters that it is easy to get people confused or forget the details about them but you just don't with this book. Now it may change a bit as the books get longer and more characters are introduced but I doubt it.

Last time I read this book was well before the movies came out. I remember thinking Hermione was pronounced 'herm-eh-win'. But now that the movies are out I not only know how to say names but I have a legit face to place with the person.

Now not everything is perfect. The one major thing I would address with this book was the ending. It seemed a bit rushed. The fight at the end could have gone longer but instead it turns into a 'wake up in the hospital and tell you what happened when you were blacked out' situation. But no worries because if this book does anything, it makes you want to read the next one. That's how you sell books and that's how you make money as an author. Bravo.

Did I have to walk under the little gateway at the library to enter the Children's Books section of the library to check it out? Yes. Was it a bit embarrassing? Yeah. but I am happy I read this book and will easily recommend it to anyone.

NEXT UP: #5 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling

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